Don't Rock The Cradle - Episode VIII

Don't Rock The Cradle - Episode VIII (Josh Ziregbe)
NB: The comic reads right to left like traditional Japanese manga.

Previous Episodes

Awka is located on the plains of the Mamu River, a valley midway between Onitsha and the higher hills to the East. It is home to Agbala, the daughter of the great god, Long Juju of Arochukwu. The goddess is said to embody one of the five aspects of the supreme god, Chukwu. She is said to embody fertility of Earth, its people and the spiritual world full of sub-deities.

The people of Awka themselves, well known for travelling, are quite welcoming to strangers. They have been nicknamed sires of smiths, which is to say the people love iron works and they are good at what they do. Journeying from Onitsha to Awka is more or less a straight road and takes about nine hours for an average person, but Uzo does it in seven. With Omalicha and Dotun, however, this could take forever. He is already annoyed and Dotun isn't helping...

Dotun: Can I see your matchete!? Who cuts your hair?! Can I see your necklace?? I'm wearing one too!

They have arrived at the end of Nkpor, the first town along their route. It is a buzzing town just like Onitsha but a little less known. Omalicha is towing humbly behind the boys, not wanting to do anything to upset Uzo any further, Dotun on the other hand has been twitching with excitement since the journey began. The group has passed so many people by but from here on out, the journey will be a little more quiet as they pass through more peaceful towns. 

Uzodinma in his anger is thinking he should not have agreed to lead these two but he remembers his grandmother and knows very well that there are grave consequences for not fulfilling her requests. He resigns to his fate and keeps moving forward; not even his older siblings would mess with his grandmother, nobody does.

The group has reached Ogidi and Dotun is still all over the place, Uzo is still straight-faced but Omalicha is a little more relaxed. It seems all the walking and fresh air is taking her mind off things. Now Abagana, the trio are weaving from town to bush-path to forest, back to town. Umunya, Enugu Agidi (banana town), here Dotun sees huge, yellow bananas and is about to grab some but then sees a red cloth tied around the tree. Everybody knows that it is better to starve than to eat or even touch anything that has been tied with red cloth, there are worse things than death after-all. 

Finally, Amawbia. This is the neighbouring town to Awka and the people of Awka and Amawbia are always at logger heads, always clashing; they are rivals. The sun is setting now and the group is arriving at the end of the town, it is evening. Dotun who is advancing with his back first hasn't lost steam in all this time, what a persistent guy. Omalicha herself has been stealing laughs as Uzo shows signs of irritation every now and again when the pestering gets to him, she only reverts to her solemn procession when Uzo's scorn is directed her way. A bird takes off from a nearby tree, rustling leaves and shaking branches...

Uzo: Wiccan

Dotun: Beeni (Yes)!

Uzo: Don't reveal yourself.

The countenance of the two changes, Dotun isn't looking as playful anymore and Uzo is even more stern-looking than just a moment ago. Omalicha doesn't understand what's going on. The group is on a relatively narrow path that takes at most three people walking shoulder-to-shoulder and although the path appears to be frequently used, there are still overhanging branches crossing at irregular intervals.

Omalicha: Is there a prob...


It's coming straight for the back of Dotun's head and it's tearing fiercely through the air. A few inches off the mark it deviates slightly and runs itself deep into a nearby tree with a sharp thud; Dotun was still moving back first along the path. Omalicha is shook, she can see it now, the wooden tail oscillates violently; it's an arrow! Perhaps the archer didn't judge his shot well, still, Dotun never flinched or even looked back. Omalicha is frozen stiff with fear, "Who did that?!?" She shivers in her mind.


Uzo moves past her with tremendous speed and hits someone squarely in the guts, a clean hit, the only sound is a short-lived, weak cough. Solid knockout! Omalicha looks back to realize that two men wearing masks were approaching from behind. The second masked man jumps back after his teammate is taken out and pulls out his machete, spinning it in his hand as he does. They are men, it is clear from their build. The spinning blade cuts clean through a falling leaf as the masked man spins it again in his hand, it is as sharp as can be but Uzo is not phased, he scoffs. There is a voice from straight down the path, the direction the arrow came from...

Masked Man III: ke ka'm si mee? How on earth did I miss that? Well, it doesn't matter. Kedu, we are here to rob you. That nwa'ada over there looks like she will fetch a good price in the market ehehehehe....

Omalicha's heart skips a beat and then starts to pound against her chest like a pestle smashing pounded yam in a mortar, she doesn't want to be sold. She has heard terrible stories of what happens to people who are sold, very terrible stories. They say it is better to not have been born. The second masked man takes a swing at Uzo, Uzo sidesteps and dodges the blade. At the same time the man attacking from the front, launches straight for Dotun and Omalicha, looking to grab Dotun's face first with his bare hands. The man is a bit muscular and has big hands. The second masked man takes another swing at Uzo, Uzo sidesteps again, this time to the left.

Ndi oshi, robbers, are not uncommon. They accost travelers and passers-by, dispossessing them of all their property. Sometimes, like now, the robbers double as kidnappers/slave traders. Uzo knows very well that if anything happens to the girl, his grandmother will kill him and not figuratively.

Just before the man touches Dotun, Dotun frowns, the same expression Omalicha saw back in Onitsha when he saved her from the hooded figure trying to suck out her soul or whatever was going on.


The man is hit by a force and is thrown back along the path he came from. He crashes into a tree.

Masked Man III: Ewo! Onye a ri amoosu o! This one is a witch o!

The man gets up, adjusts his mask and dusts himself off. Now, he is going for his own blade and it is definitely bigger than the one currently being swung carelessly at Uzo. The second masked man losses sight of Uzo.

Masked Man II: Efulefu!? He has disappeared o!

Uzo appears behind him and knocks him out with a clean hit to the back of the neck; he returns to join the group.

Uzo: I told you not to reveal yourself.

Dotun: ...but he was trying to touch me.

The last robber standing is heading for the group again but this time his huge machete is ready to dice. Uzo moves, reaching for his own blade as he does. The two collide midway and sparks fly. The ringing from the clash of metals echoes through the bushes but neither of the two seems phased. Uzo remains as cold as ice and the robber seems to be enjoying himself.

Masked Man III: Ehehehehe....

